Gigabites of gratitude are extended to Paul DePaulo,
computer whiz of The Hotchkiss School, and the Hotchkiss School itself,
for donating a reconditioned Dell laptop computer to Kongadzem, our partner
organization in Cameroon. Members will now be able to word process,
e-mail, and perform other essential duties with ease.
We also genuflect to Skip McMillan for donating endless
hours of tech support and crisis counseling here in the home office, as well
as for his gift of an only slightly-used iMac to Project Troubador.
And, finally, we can actually keep you up to date and
look slick at the same time thanks to Juliet Moore, who has burned significant
amounts of midnight oil tuning up our web presence. Thank-you, thank-you,
fair lady...for your generous effort, and for folding this job into your
already packed life... a shout out to y'all... love, projecttroubador.org