By Eliot Osborn
Way back in 1978, when we made our
maiden voyage by tugboat along the coast of Belize, a Troubador performance
was largely a musical odyssey (with liberal amounts of free-form clowning).
With its ability to cast an immediate spell over both player and listener,
music was ( and still is ) a brilliant way to establish some sort of commonality
where there was none. Over the last 10 years, as our focus has
turned toward the specific (supporting grassroots AIDS education efforts),
Troubador performances have morphed into something more dramatic in nature,
with music and clowning taking on a more introductory role. Street theater
has proved to be a very provocative way to initiate the somewhat awkward
dialogue AIDS education requires. While we continue to tinker with our approach,
we feel that we now have developed an effective model to dramatize the principles
of HIV prevention, or, for that matter, almost any educational objective.
As pleased as I am with this genesis, being a musician
at heart, for several years I have been thinking about a more musical method
to address a specific topic like AIDS. With considerable help from veteran
Troubador and board member Stuart Leigh (currently in Ethiopia working on
a five year plan for upgrading the use of media technology in the school
system), we have designed a model that we hope to breathe life into in March
of 2003. With the assistance of Africa Obota, a media oriented group who
hosted our August '01 trip to Benin, Stuart and I hope to begin traveling
to as many secondary schools as we can and, using a laptop and a microphone,
to make digital recordings of songs that the students have written and perform
At the conclusion of each session, we will have each group
of students sing the chorus of a song that will have an HIV prevention hook,
such as, "I will protect myself". At the conclusion of our trip, we will
use the same approach to record instrumental and lead vocal tracks, using
pop musicians that Africa Obota collaborates with in Cotonou, the capital
city. At this point, in order to control costs, we will then return home
where we hope to generate a CD of the songs the students have written for
sale to our supporters here. At the same time , using the hook and the tracks
mentioned above, we hope to fashion a hit-single that Africa Obota has the
ability to release through the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health
and several TV and radio stations they have access to in Benin. The idea
is that all of the students who sing the hook will have a feeling of ownership
in both the CD and its message, as well as considerable excitement about
being on the airwaves all over Benin!